About a ganglion cyst on the foot

A ganglion cyst is a fluid-filled benign lump below the surface of your skin that appears on or near joints and tendons. They also can occur in ankles or feet. Most are harmless but can be uncomfortable, particularly on the foot.

What is a ganglion cyst?

A ganglion cyst is a smooth lump that forms near a joint or tendon. Research tells that about 11% of ganglion cysts form on the foot or ankle. Though they can develop anywhere on the foot, they commonly occur on the top.

Small ganglion cyst can be pea-sized but they can change size. The cyst may appear round and be soft or very hard. Beneath the skin, a ganglion cyst looks like balloon on a stalk, and it may move freely beneath the skin if a person pushes it.

Ganglion cysts can be painful if they occur on a nearby nerve, sometimes they affect joint movement. They pose no serious threat to your health.


No one knows exactly what causes a ganglion cyst. Some theories indicate that a cyst may develop after an injury to a joint or tendon, that allows tissue to leak or bulge out. There is some speculation that a vitamin D or b12 could be associated with ganglion cysts. However, there is no research to support thos theory.

Who gets ganglion cyst?

Ganglion cysts most commonly affect people ages 15-40 years and are three times more likely to develop in women.


According to the National Health Service in the United Kingdom, About 50% cysts disappear without treatment. Normally, this can take years, the cysts may return - the recurrence rate is around 15-20%. If a ganglion cyst is not causing pain or discomfort, the doctor may simply monitor it for changes.
If a cyst is causing pain or mobility issues, then a doctor suggests treatment.

What not to do

A traditional home remedy involves hitting a ganglion cyst with a heavy object, usually a book or ice. This is not only ineffective, it can also damage surrounding tissues. Never try to pop or drain a ganglion cyst at home. Any attempt could lead to infections or other complications.

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