Learning Foreign Languages

There are many languages in the world But English is dominant on all other languages. English is an international language. It is the language of science, technology, tourism and business. There is no country in the world where English is not spoken. We know that English is the most understood language today, with 2 billion speakers across the world. 

Foreign language

English is not just the most common language; it is also the most important one for you to learn for many reasons! English has the power of connecting people from many different cultures, building relationships and understanding.

The benefits of learning English are numerous. Not only can studying English open up new opportunities for employment, academia and travel but it can change your life on a personal level, too.

You can more easily access and enjoy movies, books, TV shows, music and podcasts If you understand English language. It is the language of internet also.

This is especially true if you wish to pursue higher degrees, participate in research collaborations and engage in academic discourse within your field or interest , you need to achieve a certain level of English proficiency before you can proceed with your studies.

Having learned English you can learn other foreign languages like Spanish, German, French so on.

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